Well, where to start, the whole weekend in Belgium was fantastic.
The highlight for us being the Parkpop Festival in Oostkamp, where we closed the Saturday night with 6000 lovely party guests!
The whole set up was spectacular and we would like to thank the organisers and crew for their outstanding hospitality and help throughout the whole event.
If was a wonderful opportunity to meet with old friends and make some new ones, we were honoured to be a part of it.
Our additional thanks go out to the photographers, who had the difficult task of making us look good!
Lorenzo Suvee - https://www.facebook.com/urbanbruges
Ricka Harpya Stašová - https://www.facebook.com/ricka.stasova
Erwin Poppe - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alstarebe-Photography/345437802234600
Brothers In Raw - https://www.facebook.com/brothersinraw